birthday present voucher new choices
Yes, even I the hoarder of all have had enough of birthday minipets. Can't seem to put the little fellows into the trash and there just isn't much interest in them after 11 years.
The birthday present voucher was a good idea, however, with multiple characters all having annual birthdays (and having all the birthday minis and tonics on multiple accounts); it would be a nice idea to let us have a different present.
So. I propose: the birthday gift bag, like the other grab bags it would have in it items that would be more appropriate to 7+ year old I would suggest items in it to include: superior salvage kits and superior id kits, lockpicks (say 4-5), a gold zaishen coin, a con (grail of might, armor of salvation, essence of celerity--but NOT stars of transference! by age 7 most characters have more than enough skill points!), rez scrolls (but NOT ex scrolls--see previous point).
What are your thoughts?
where is the 'all you can eat' cookie bar?